adam bobik

Adam Bobik is a Polish movie and TV actor, three-time winner of the Piotr Łazarkiewicz Award in category Young Talent for creations in films ” Fatum” ( Fate), ” Charon” and ” Mały palec” ( Little finger). His role in”Fatum ” brought him recogntion at the International Film Festival of Ottawa. For a leading role in the movie ” Sami swoi.Początek” ( Only friends here. The beginning.) Bobik was feted with the Golden Puppy Award.

One of the first Adam Bobik’s appearances in feature films was the one in” Pokot” directed by Agnieszka Holland. Since then he has appeared in films of many renowned directors. He masterfully portrayed the character of Priest Jerzy Popiełuszko in the movie ” Żeby nie było śladów”( So no one could link) by Jan P.Matuszyński with whom he also worked on the series ” Król” ( King), adaptation of a novel written by Szczepan Twardoch. He played main roles in films” Tonia” by Marcin Bortkiewicz and a prequel of the cult film ” Sami Swoi. Początek” in which he created a character of young Pawlak , a role  acclaimed by critics.

Bobik shines in comedy such as series ” The Office” or ” Camera Cafe.Kolejne parzenie” (Camera Cafe.Next brewing) but at the same time he finds his place in gangster cinema ( “Jak zostałem gangsterem” / How I became gangster/), horror film ( ” Wszyscy moi przyjaciele nie żyją”/ All my friends are dead/) as well as in auteur slow -cinema movies (” Bliscy” by Grzegorz Jaroszuk and ” Kobieta na dachu” / The woman on the roof/ by Anna Jadowska. These days the premiere releases of the second season of dark comedy ” Minuta ciszy” / A silent minute/ and a feature movie “Wielka warszawska” by Bartłomiej Ignaciak are awaited. As well as a costume crime drama series ” Breslau 1936″.
